Acción Latina Presents:
PASEO ARTISTICO: “Women’s Health & Healing
Saturday March 8, 2025
Various venues on 24th Street/Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, San Francisco
Join Acción Latina and partners as we honor International Women’s Day with an outstanding segment of Paseo Artistico, the Mission District’s only regular Free Bilingual Artwalk for the entire family.
Press Contact: 415-648-1045
Paseo Artístico: Women’s Health and Healing will take place Saturday March 8 all day featuring women artists and community members sharing their work and showcasing a vibrant array of performances and cultural practices that support women’s health and healing. The event also celebrates Acción Latina’s Fatima Ramirez as she says goodbye to the organization after serving as Executive Director for the last 6 years. Come dance, sing, and enjoy interactive opportunities to celebrate women with theater, musical performances, painting exhibits, and more along the 24th Street/Calle 24 Latino Cultural District. Free for the entire family.
A first generation Salvadoran American raised in San Francisco’s Mission District, Fatima Ramirez has shown admirable leadership and brought important growth to all of Acción Latina’s media and arts programs. This Paseo Artistico is dedicated to her accomplishments and also to wish her the best in her next position. This month’s Paseo Artístico emphasizes intergenerational women's health and community healing through participation by inviting all to join a clay making activation at Artillery Ceramics Studio, a Mayan weaving and poetry performance and workshop on the sidewalk in front of Dance Mission, an Afro-Nicaraguan Garifuna dance class at La Placita, a candle making and flower headdress workshop at Calle 24 Office, youth Latin jazz concert at Evolved SF, and more. The program also features storytelling and laughs from local star Marga Gomez at Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore, theater performance from Berta Hernandez at Mission Cultural Center and paintings by Xochitl Nevel-Guerrero that honor women’s protest and resistance as healing. A special Encuentritos Concert featuring local musical bands will join the party to bid farewell to Fatima Ramirez at Acción Latina.
Paseo Artistico is produced quarterly and co-presented by 24th Street cultural venues including Mission Cultural Center, Brava Theater, Dance Mission, Precita Eyes Muralists, Community Music Center, Medicine For Nightmares Bookstore, Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, EvolvedSF, Donaji Rand Artillery Ceramics Studio. Paseo Artistico is generously supported by Latino Community Foundation Poderatre Grant, SFAC. Thank you to our official corporate sponsor: The GAP
See Below for Schedule of Events
For more info email <<paul@accionlatina.org>>
Poster Design by Vanessa Shive
12:00PM-5:00PM Xochitl Nevel-Guerrero Art Exhibit and paintings @ Precita Eyes Muralists 2981 24th St
12:00PM-2:00PM Candle Making Workshop with Ometepe and Flower Headpiece Crafting Diana Olivares @ 3250 24th Street
1:00PM Garifuna (Nicaraguan) dance class with Diana Aburto @ La Placita 24th St and Capp St.
1:00PM-4:00PM “Trapitos al Sol: Feminist Embroidery Project” by Mujeres Poderistas /NAKA Dance Women’s Embroidery and Poetry presented by Dance Mission on the sidewalk @ 24th St and Mission
2:00PM-6:00PM Reclaiming Our Bodies & Embodying Our Healing showcase, clay activation, garden activity, artist talking circle featuring Kelly Elizabeth Ortega, Phanie Mixelle, Mayori Sol, Isabelle Carranza, Kristen Jael Acosta @ Artillery Ceramics Studio 2751 Mission St. (at 24th St)
2:00PM Mission District Young Musicians Program Presented by Community Music Center @ Evolved SF Parklet 3067 24th St
2:30PM Ana Bedolla Art Exhibit @ Evolved SF Gallery 3067 24th St.
3:00PM Marga Gomez and Betty Pazmino: Stories, Laughs y Más @ Medicine for Nightmares Bookstore and Gallery 3036 24th St.
4PM-5PM DINNER BREAK. Pleaae Support local restaurants and businesses on 24th Street.
5:00PM MCCLA Teatro Comunitario en Español Presents “YO ABORTÉ (I HAD AN ABORTION)” Directed by Berta Hernandez @ Mission Cultural Center Theater 2868 Mission St.
6PM-8PM Encuentritos Music Concert Celebrating Fatima Ramirez featuring Banda Sin Nombre and Diabl a@ Acción Latina 2958 24th St.
History Matters in the Mission Full show
Click above to see entire show of History Matters in the Mission video from October 23, 2021
History Matters in the Mission (HMM) documents important cultural, artistic and political events in the Mission District based on the archival material from 50 years of El Tecolote Bilingual Newspaper, and interviews with local legendary artists and activists from the early 1970’s including Yolanda Lopez, Michael Ríos, Juan Gonzales, Joan Holden and Carlos Barón. Lead artist and director Paul S. Flores interviewed each local luminary to craft performances as both interpretations and reenactments of important events in The Mission from the 1970’s that still resonate today. Flores collaborated with choreographer Vanessa Sanchez, who also plays Yolanda Lopez, and musician Pedro Gomez, costume designer Jessica Recinos, puppeteer Jonathan Youtt, actress Edna Mira Raia, and Augmented Reality designer Shamsher Virk, to recreate the sounds and looks of the five Mission luminaries whose stories will be performed at different sites along 24th Street in the Latino Cultural District. Each outdoor site and venue will host a 5-10 minutes performance highlighting one of the local legends. Augmented Reality featuring videos, artwork and archival photos from El Tecolote will be available for download through your smartphone.
Paseo Artistico is produced by Accion Latina and co-presenters within the Calle 24 Latino Cultural District art venues including Mission Cultural Center, Brava Theater, Dance Mission, Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, Adobe Books, Community Music Center, Precita Eyes, Alley Cat Books, Evolved Sf, SF Day Laborers and Domestic Workers, Loco Bloco and ZERO1
Paseo Artistico is a community collaborative proudly produced and managed by Acción Latina made possible by an Andrew Mellon Foundation grant
Paseo Artistico is managed and Produced by Accion Latina. Our primary community partner is Calle 24
Primary Community venues/partners include: Brava Theater, Precita Eyes Muralists, Adobe Books, Alley Cat Books, Dance Mission Theatre, Mission Cultural Center, Community Music Center, Loco Bloco, Calle 24 Latino Cultural District, ZERO1, and Evolved SF.
Please fill out the SURVEY from the event to give us feedback about you and your experience at Paseo Artistico.
poster design by Chris Cuadrado.
Para más información por favor mande un correo electrónico a paseoartistico@accionlatina.org. O visite www.paseoartistico.org.
Participatory Application
UPCOMING 2020 PASEOS: Feburary 15, April 11, June 13
Please fill out this info sheet to share your desire to participate in Paseo Artistico and your artist information in order to for us to better understand and support your potential presentation at Paseo Artistico and other 24th Street arts venues. As a Paseo artist, your info will be shared with all the cultural venues on 24th Street/Calle 24 Latino Cultural District. These venues such as Alley Cat Books, Brava Theater, Mission Cultural Center, Adobe Books Dance Mission and more will reference your Mission Artist Application in Data Base from for future opportunities to present and produce work. Hopefully this leads to supporting your artistic sustainability in San Francisco so more people can enjoy your contributions.
Application for participation in Paseo deadline is always two weeks prior to Paseo Artistico. All entries must be submitted by 12PM PST.
For further information and or clarification please email:
For further information and or clarification please email: Paseoartistico@accionlatina.org
SAT. JUNE 9, 2018
Paseo Artístico is a collaborative effort among the Calle 24/ 24th Street cultural arts organizations that brings free arts programing—music, poetry, crafts workshops, readings, film and mural tours—to the 24th Street Latino Cultural District every other second Saturday of the month.
special thanks to